Maintain Data Security Mobile

The progress of information technology to make mobile phones more diverse and sophisticated feature. Via phone, you can not just call and sms ria-ber, but it can also be used to access the Internet, photos, record video, check e-mail, even chat.

In the era of sophisticated as today, does not close possibility that the entire data in your mobile phone terkuak isinya.Berikut some tips you can try to apply to maintain the security of your phone data, at least, to minimize the possibility dicurinya your data.

1. Make sure always check the status of mobile phone connectivity, such as bluetooth or infra-red.

You should never leave the feature because it allows active people into your phone. Make sure konektifitasnya always turned off after use. Then when there is a request to connect to the phone and you do not know who is, harmless if you're me-rejectnya for security.

2. Take advantage of security features on your phone.

Generally, mobile phone equipped with one or more of the security code to protect against unauthorized use. This code is known as a normal PIN (Personal Identification Number) and PUK (Personal unblocking key), which is intended to protect the SIM card (simcard).

- The PIN code adalan the most commonly used. This PIN code can set your own, can be also enabled or disabled.

- In addition to the PIN code, which is also called the PIN2 code is a PIN code that serves as a protection layer for a second feature on your phone. This code works the same as the PIN code.

- If you enter a few times a PIN code, your phone will usually ask for PUK code. PUK is a code that consists of 8-digit provided by the service provider or your phone.

3. Backup all important data on the phone to the computer.

If there is fear that the data on your mobile phone terkuak content, harmless if all the important data that is in the phone-in backup to the computer. The goal is that when important data on the mobile phone is lost or damaged, you never was, was necessary because the data is also stored in the computer.

4. Do not forget to pull out the memory as an external mobile phone memory card (MMC) or SD card, if the phone will be in-service

As information technology has been able to re-read the entire contents of the data that was on the phone drop. As previously been made, the company Trust Digital is based in McLean, Virginia, United States (U.S.), was successfully re-create the entire SMS and e-mail on the phone. Unfortunately, the companies are reluctant to reveal what software is used.

Cyber security consultant former President Bush, Howard Schmidt, to suggest that when a password is incorrect eleven times in succession. According to him, it can cause the data on the destroyed mobile phone (self-DESTRUCT).

5. Featured for the mobile phone camera, do not use for the sake of privacy.

Mobile phone is seen as an identity and confidential. Does not close the possibility of other people will find ways to disseminate its contents. Therefore, do not occasionally use your phone for the purposes of private confidential and sensitive. For example, take and store photos or recording personal 'vulgar'.

6. Do not recklessly lend your phone to others.

People sometimes can be a contender, especially if your friend is no evil intention towards you. Data can be important, whether it be images' vulgar 'or secret video clip, copy and spread it by your friends.


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