Medicine Using Honey

Below is a list of 15 recipes using honey treatments. What type of honey benefits of this treatment on 15? These include: ulcer, breathless, High Blood Pressure, Heart Burn, Constipation, tonic, Overcoming lumbago, strengthen the heart muscle, To Sexual Strength, passion Eliminate Bad Sex Because of overcharging, the Good Food For Babies, overcome nausea - In pregnant women nausea, Crashes bile, inflammation Lambung, urinating No Current Conditions and weary And listless, Skin Toner (soup, Melembutkan, damp and Skin), Cleaning Face Every Day, Hair Conditioner (Hair and Skin Health Head)

Anyone know, honey most useful, have a rival honey. Because I want to share this treatment tips. Hopefully useful.

1. Ulcer
Morning wake up sleeping Mix two tablespoon honey with 3 / 4 warm water, slosh and drink. Some time before sleeping, drink honey and return hot water.

2. Stive
half a spoon of black cumin mashed, pour hot water glass three-quarters, after the warm filtered, Mix two tablespoon honey drink twice a day.

3. High blood pressure
One Mengkudu clean the skin and seeds, pulp plus one tablespoon honey, half the lemon juice is made, for two for breakfast and dinner. This recipe is also beneficial for heart disease, diabetes, fatigue, digestive disturbances, and prevent senility.

4. Burns
Honey mixed with vaseline in the same measure, given the burns, each morning and afternoon, until the skin is burnt skin, skin insyallah as though you did not burn at all

5. Constipation
Drinking a glass of cold milk mixed with one spoon of honey every morning and evening, this will soften the dirt and clean the gut with very clean.

6. Tonic
Stimulates memory, appetite, and increase body weight. Take a ripe mango flesh, such as destroyed in the juice and water added to 3 / 4 cup plus 1.5 tbsp honey and milk according to taste. Try to drink two times a day.

7. Overcoming lumbago
30 grams of leaves Kucai and 25 gr-sliced ginger slices, then the juice. Add 60 cc ago honey drink. Eat 2 x day.

8. Strengthen the heart muscle
1 tbsp honey put in a little water and then mixed with pomegranate skin is boiled with a small fire and not to boil.

9. Eliminate backwash passionate sex excessive
Drink fresh coconut water with a little honey added, it can eliminate the above problems.

10. THE GOOD FOOD infant
Ambon banana mixed with milk and honey is the best food for babies.

11. Overcome nausea nausea ON-pregnant women, INTERFERENCE bile, the body tired listless AND
1 Glass of carrot extract mixed with 1 HR honey 1 teaspoon lemon extract, consumed before breakfast

1 orange peel fruit plus 1 tbsp honey and diblender with fine. Gosokkan mixture slowly to the face and leave until 15 minutes ago basuhlah your face with warm water to clean the compound.

14. Cleaning Face EVERY DAY
Mix 1 tbsp honey with a little milk powder in a hand. provided in the face to clean all the dirt and make-up. Basuh ago to clean with warm water.

15. Hair Conditioner (Health and scalp hair)
Mixed ½ cup honey and 1 tbsp olive oil. Give to the hair and scalp, then cover and let it take up to 30 minutes in a closed condition. After 30 minutes, Rinse and shampoo your hair as usual.


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