Tips to help you in the exam:

Tips to help you in the exam:

1. Come to the preparation of cooked and earlier. Bring all the tools you need to write, such as pencil, pen, calculator, dictionary, minutes (hand), eraser, ex tip, ruler, and others. This equipment will help you to maintain concentration during the test.

2. Calm and confident. Remind yourself that you are ready and will do the test well.

3. Bersantailah but wary. Choose a chair or a comfortable place to take the test. Make sure you get enough to place it. Sitting upright position.

4. Preview shoptalk your exam first (when the test does not have time limited) Take 10% of the overall test time to read the shoptalk in depth examination, mark the keywords and disconnect the time needed for each problem. Plan to take an easy first question, concerning the new very difficult. When you read shoptalk, note also ideas that appear to be used as answers.

5. Answer shoptalk test strategically.Start with the simple questions that you know, then the shoptalk that has the highest value. The last question that you should do is:
o the most difficult problem
o takes a long time to write the answer
o have the smallest value


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