The Healthy Coffee Far from you imagine

Coffee has a major role in the health of fruits and vegetables. Therefore the results of scientific research from the scientific experts in the United States (U.S.).
Scientists calculate the number of anti oksidan (anti-free radical oxygen) of more than 100 types of foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, various spices, and beverages.
Combine the results with the U.S. department of agriculture and eating patterns in each type of food in the U.S..
Coffee to be a source of anti oksidan largest. And black tea, bananas, dry beans, and corn.
Anti oksidan substance is able to remove harmful free oxygen radicals and destructive molecules can damage cells and DNA.
Anti oksidan substances can reduce the risk of liver cancer affected, intestine, type II diabetes and Parkinson disease.
However, according to the head of the research team prof. Joey Vinson coffee consumed in the current capacity in one or two portions a day. We must also consider the fruits and vegetables. From other types of food that have anti oksidan high, when compared to the actual dates have anti oksidan high.


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